
The PvXwiki community finds this to be a good build.

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This build has been designed for the following use:

This build is used to farm Chkkr Thousand Tail by using Beast Mastery and the Enraged Lunge skill to farm Chkkr's Flatbow.

Attributes and skills

<pvxbig> [build prof=range/secon beastm=12+1+3 expert=12+3][enraged lunge][disrupting lunge][poisonous bite][feral lunge][call of haste][run as one][comfort animal][charm animal][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Full Druid's Armor with a Tamer's Mask.
  • A Totem Axe or Rajazan's Fervor for the extra 5 energy (you could also use a Rotwing Recurve Bow). Any offhand item with at least +9 energy (but make sure it doesn't reduce your energy regeneration.)


Start from Saint Anjeka's Shrine and head out into Drazach Thicket. You may get the Kurzick Blessing if wanted, but it is not needed. Start running along the right wall, careful not to aggro the Dragon Mosses (these will be there only if you have the "A New Escort" quest), and keep on that wall until you run into the edge of the cliff looking into the small "valley." There will be a group of Mantises inside the "valley" so wait for them to leave before moving on. When the Mantises move, look straight ahead into the group of Dragon Mosses(if you have the quest). You should see and group of Wardens moving forward toward you, so wait for them to leave and quickly sprint down (using Run as One) towards the wall of the large mountain. Be careful, if you venture too far to the right, a group of Oni may spawn. Stay near the wall for your health to regenerate. When your health is full, run around the wall towards Chkkr, once again being careful to avoid the Dragon Mosses (if you have the above quest). Here you will cast both of your pet shouts. Run towards him until he starts to attack you, then slowly retreat behind the wall again so he can't hit you with his arrows. Once you are sure that your pet isn't taking any damage, start your pet attack chain. Use both of your pet attacks, and while they are recharging, use Enraged Lunge. You also may like to use Run as One while using your pet chain just in case only your two pet shouts are recharged (Enraged Lunge counts as its own recharging skill), to get the full damage bonus. With high Expertise this chain can go on for almost forever. Once he gets past about half health, he will start to use Troll Unguent much more often, so make sure you have Disrupting Lunge recharged to disable it (if you choose to bring it). If done correctly, you can kill Chkkr before your Call of Protection regenerates. Pick up all drops and repeat.


If Chkkr attacks your pet, then keep spamming all of your pet healing skills and pet attacks until the pet dies (hopefully this won't happen). Make sure Chkkr keeps attacking you, and use Comfort Animal to revive your pet. Then restart your attack chain, making sure to use Enraged Lunge while your other attacks are recharging. Note: Make sure to keep staffing/shooting Chkkr. If you keep staffing him he will stay focused on you.


If you do bring Symbiotic Bond, then I suggest switching Comfort Animal for Troll Unguent and moving all your excess points to Wilderness Survival. This is to heal yourself because your pet is sharing your health.


Sometimes, some of the other smaller monsters will gang up and attack Chkkr before you get there, and kill him. If this happens, simply re-zone and start again.

See also
