
The PvXwiki community finds this to be a good build.

If you disagree with this rating, please discuss it on the build's talk page.

This build has been designed for the following use:

The Spirit Scythe utilises the hard hitting abilities of a scythe while boosting damage with Spirit's Strength as well as providing defensive abilities from the Earth Prayers line.

Attributes and Skills

<pvxbig> [build prof=ritua/dervi spawni=10+1+3 scythe=11 commun=6+1 earthp=8][victorious sweep][mystic sweep][vital weapon][spirits strength][Wielder's Remedy][mystic regeneration][conviction][resurrection signet][/build] </pvxbig>

Attributes and Skills

<pvxbig> [build prof=ritua/dervi spawni=10+1+3 scythe=11 commun=6+1 earthp=8][victorious sweep][mystic sweep][Lyssa's Assault][Aura of Holy Might][spirits strength][vital weapon][conviction][resurrection signet][/build] </pvxbig>

  • This version uses Aura of Holy Might to provide extreme damage ranging from 75-165 per swing. With the armor bonus of conviction this Rt can tank all day long.




  • Heavy enchantment removal will lower your DPS, but you will still be doing a decent amount due to high Scythe Mastery.
  • Frequently reapplyed conditions such as blind from Ebon Dust Aura, if you don't have Sight Beyond Sight.
  • Standard anti-melee hexes.

