
AB? I'd rather run a Fast Casting nuker which has far better capping capabilities. I think this should stick in GvG. ɟoʇuɐʌʎʞɔıɹPanic srsbsns 20:13, 7 May 2008 (EDT)

Probably, someone just added an AB tag to the A/N guy so I figured I should add one here too. Zuranthium 20:15, 7 May 2008 (EDT)
This isn't suitable in AB, imo. ɟoʇuɐʌʎʞɔıɹPanic srsbsns 20:19, 7 May 2008 (EDT)
I mean, compared to other Me(/E) builds. ɟoʇuɐʌʎʞɔıɹPanic srsbsns 20:21, 7 May 2008 (EDT)
Yes, I understand your meaning. Just depends on what you want to do in AB. Some people would rather run around and kill the opponents, letting other allies focus more on the NPCs. A team with this character could certainly be good at that. *shrug* Zuranthium 20:32, 7 May 2008 (EDT)
  1. Reject dozens of builds based on the same concept.
  2. Moderately famous player posts a marginally better version.
  3. ZOMJ 5-5-5
  4. Creators of the dozens of other builds complain.
  5. "lol meta shift go 'way."
mirite? --71.229 20:24, 7 May 2008 (EDT)
Most SoI builds were like "lolol elementalist build wif fast casting hurfdurf" while this actually has a purpose and it works. ɟoʇuɐʌʎʞɔıɹPanic srsbsns 20:26, 7 May 2008 (EDT)
mostly. except the part where this is meant to be paired with that A/N. Which your list also applies to, funnily enough. Just remove the AB tags or have them both on the same page and people won't QQ. --click moar Mafaraxas 21:01, 7 May 2008 (EDT)

This is so bad alone. — SkaKid 20:29, 7 May 2008 (EDT)

Not really. It can still kill NPCs at a decent rate by itself. Of course you have to consider builds in their correct setting, so...Zuranthium 20:46, 7 May 2008 (EDT)
I hurd somein' cool goes on wif teh metas. --Super Igor 20:39, 7 May 2008 (EDT)
idk how this would should be rated.on its own its not good.with the sin it is.--Rebirth Infidel aesthetic