
The PvXwiki community finds this to be an excellent build.

If you disagree with this rating, please discuss it on the build's talk page.

This build has been designed for the following use:

This build is capable of summoning a power Flesh golem, and uses the powerful air magic skills, with armor penetration, to deal huge amounts of damage. It also has blinding flash to incapacitate meele characters, flare to help deal extra damage, and soul feast for a self heal.


At least one is seen on every team, either as an E/N or an N/E, with this taken in some form instead of a frontliner.

Attributes and Skills

<pvxbig> [build prof=N/E Death=12+1+3 Fire=10 air=8][Animate Flesh Golem][Flare][Lightning Strike][Arc Lightning][Soul Feast][Lightning Orb][Blinding Flash][Enervating charge][/build] </pvxbig>


Survivor's Insignia Shield set, 40/40 Air set, 40/40 Fire set, high set.


  • Pressure by spamming Flare and Lightning Strike.
  • Spike with Lightning Orb > Arc Lightning.
  • Get up a Flesh Golem and maintain it at all times for a powerful frontliner.
  • Use Blinding Flash and Enervating Charge to help incapacitate enemy melees.
  • Use Soul Feast for a big self-heal when needed.


  • General anti-caster