
The PvXwiki community finds this to be an excellent build.

If you disagree with this rating, please discuss it on the build's talk page.

This build has been designed for the following use:

This build uses Crippling Slash for its great use of crippling in PvP.

Attributes and Skills

<pvxbig> [build prof=warri/any swords=12+1+1 streng=12+1][Crippling Slash][Gash][Sun and Moon Slash][Bull's Strike][Frenzy][Rush][Optional][Resurrection Signet][/build] </pvxbig>


  • Armor of choice. Gladiator's armor is not required for this build.
  • If creating a PvP only character for this build, choose a Furious PvP Sword of Fortitude and an Ebon PvP Sword of Fortitude with a +30hp/-5 (20%) shield.


  • Use Crippling Slash to Cripple your foes, and try to spread the cripple as much as possible.This is your main job.
  • Use Frenzy to speed up the attack rate of your attacks, if you come under focused fire, cancel it using Rush.
  • When you and other warriors have adrenaline, organize a spike on a suitable target.
  • Don't stay on one character for too long, if you see them being enchanted with skills such as Guardian or Protective Spirit, switch targets.
  • Use Resurrection Signet to resurrect fallen party members.

