
k, redone it all, should survive the update, SYG will still work with 6 casters. The preceding unsigned comment was added by Gringo (talk • contribs) (UTC). 18:07, January 27, 2010 (UTC)

Yes, this is soooo new. The preceding unsigned comment was added by Lazyasssloth (talk • contribs) .

who said anything about new? The preceding unsigned comment was added by Gringo (talk • contribs) (UTC). 19:03, January 27, 2010 (UTC)
That para bar looks like a piece of crap and still it owns HA...GW is dead Tyrael Life Sheath Logic! 22:44, January 27, 2010 (UTC)
+crits +blocks +armor +150 spike dmg = crap? WY is just for intense energy management with GTFE. The preceding unsigned comment was added by Gringo (talk • contribs) (UTC). 22:51, January 27, 2010 (UTC)
I said it LOOKS like crap, not that it is... btw fixed para bar Tyrael Life Sheath Logic! 23:01, January 27, 2010 (UTC)

Rant time

Overrating bad builds is bad. Single target spikes (especially ones with hammer wars that don't have dash) are ridiculously easy to prot/infuse, even if you're the greatest faker in the world. The paragon is god awful, ignoring the fact that he apparently sucks so much that he can't manage 2 energy attacks + stand with GFTE and thus has to waste a skill slot on WY!, players came to the conclusion that a single, unchainable DA is pretty shitty defense months ago, and is thus a waste of your elite slot. Signet of return is fucking terrible; on the off chance that you actually get it off, you'll have had a teammate rezzing for 5s, one down for 5s and he'll come up with at best ~75% health/25% energy. You have a paragon and a hammer, yet only one copy of conc and you put MH! or your ele? Sounds like a good fucking plan to me. On to your rit who's so bad he apparently needs two emanagement skills and doesn't know how to do a proper att split? How is a rit that drops his third weapon spell AND enchantment removal more defense? ESPECIALLY in a spike build. Your shitter mesmer apparently pd-locks himself so much that he needs to take pdrain over pleak meaning you're going to take 5 minutes to even start shutting something down because you have no pblock/pleak. tl;dr this is a really shitty build, with shitty defense that will take a solid 10-15 minutes to win a match (assuming it manages to stay alive that long).--TahiriVeila 17:07, January 28, 2010 (UTC)

Actually no.
Prots find it extraordinarily hard to prot when they've got a mesmer camping them actually, and there is easily enough damage to kill through an infuse.
The Paragon can be on every spike with two spear attacks, keep up either DA or SYG all the time. If you try doing that without WY, you'll fail miserably. DA is a fantastic skill, even if there is only one of them.
Does it matter if MH is on your nuker? He can nuke snarers while MHing relic runner, the absolute only disadvantage would be he can't always go for ghostly on the early relic map. The Para bar is too tight to fit it on, but you can always drop SYG + WY and put in MH/FB, you don't have to run these exact bars.
Aegis takes care of SoC, and almost no teams are bringing Leech Signet these days, so why waste a skill slot on two?
How hard is it to get off Sig of Return when SoC is up? It's not hard to ask a hammer with enraging to give you SoC, and a good one will use it when something dies. It works the same as flesh (for get this, a 1 second longer casting time), and it brings people up with 12x7 = 85% hp most of the time.
When your rit is using Channeled Strike on every single spike, while actively protting with weapon spells, he won't even have close to enough energy with OoS. Why are you complaining about losing his enchant strips when there is a mesmer with rend/shatter? I'd rather have him on a 120 dmg spike support then with shitty rend, thats hardly anything to complain about.
This isn't a pressure build, and you don't need pleak to shut a prot down, you need to be using shame/diversion. Most mesmers will use those less and use interrupts more, but when you are 321 spiking you need to be shutting down spirit bond + ls, and you won't be pleaking those will you?
All of this is just failed theorycrafting by you, the build actually works really well. It's a holding build with a huge spike, good shutdown, and lots of defense. Try playing against it sometime and have fun dealing with DA, SYG, WY, Eruption, 2 perma weapons, 2 monks, and a mesmer/hammer that can both play defensive if we need it. The preceding unsigned comment was added by Gringo (talk • contribs) (UTC). 17:21, January 28, 2010 (UTC)
lolololol, yes because a veiled prot with spirit bond (only shockwave is under 60) can't get anything off. You're paragon must REALLY suck if he needs two 4adren shouts to maintain energy, DA paragons with two energy based attacks have NEVER had energy problems in the past with just GFTE!, and if they did, that's what a zealous spear when not spiking is for. Lolololololol @ people not bringing leech, I haven't played tombs much in the last 2-3 month but WHENEVER I have the mesmer ALWAYS brings pd/leech/pleak or pblock/cry/leech. EVERY dom mesmer in tombs runs leech. And have you even read the description on pd? IT INTERRUPTS THROUGH CONC SILLY, have fun trying to get off a 5s with a mesmer looking for hard rezzes, even if you have conc up. Most people run their backup hard rez on a mesmer so they get FC + 40/40 set = 1-2s cast time on flesh. And if you run proper attributes on a rit (12+1+2 channeling, 11+1 resto, 6+1 spawning) and have a half competent rit who's actually protting with weapon spells instead of just maintaining them, energy is no problem at all. Shame and diversion are useless if you don't have any pressure, prot can just hold veil or call for a remove from the heal/midline. Please don't tell me this is bad theorycrafting when no one even PLAYS this shitty build.--TahiriVeila 19:13, January 28, 2010 (UTC)
Jake I'm sorry to tell you this but you suck pretty bad at theorycrafting. Also, haven't seen a mes run leech in fucking ages, its just not worth it considering 99% of teams are too bad to aegis the soc. /Agree with the zealous spear point tho. You are just naming the counter to every hard rez btw, shit PD goes through SoC on pact 4 sec cast oshtttttttttttttttttttt! Also, rend -> rupt veil = ? I mean, admittedly noone except baz plays it but you saying it can't kill is fucking ridiculous. How else do you think legoway and this build were meta for so long? O noes legoway rupt da veil nigaaaa Rawrawr Dinosaur 19:33, January 28, 2010 (UTC)
You are being pretty dumb Jake. Stop menstruating. --Crow 19:49, January 28, 2010 (UTC)